
In an era where the digital universe is ceaselessly expanding, our interaction with information has grown complex and often overwhelming. We are surrounded by a myriad of platforms that provide fragmented pieces of data, yet lack the cohesive and relevant experiences that modern users crave. People are constrained by the lack of suitable tools to engage with the world around them, resorting to unwieldy shopping platforms, challenging-to-navigate social networks, and disparate services. Moreover, businesses grapple to effectively connect and engage with their desired audiences amidst the clutter.

At a moment when progressive blockchain and AI technologies are poised to offer innovative solutions, Sharence emerges as a timely and critical innovation, intertwining social and financial worlds into an integrated, user-empowered ecosystem. It responds to the urgent needs of both individual users and businesses, providing a secure, transparent, and rewarding platform that redefines our interactions, transactions, and navigation through the digital world, ensuring quick and effective engagement with our surroundings.

Sharence is a next-gen social platform leveraging AI and AR, allowing users to seamlessly interact with their surroundings, providing tailored experiences and unlocking new opportunities for businesses, all built on a decentralized foundation.


Sharence envisions becoming your unparalleled digital companion and guide through life, always delivering exceptional, trusted advice based on a wealth of global and personalized experiences. Our aspiration is to be the beacon that ensures you remain connected to new, exciting, and essential events surrounding you.

Our mission is to revolutionize how you socialize and discover new experiences by offering a platform that goes beyond mere results, presenting you with a personalized, simplified, and joy-filled exploration journey. Leveraging advanced augmented reality technologies and a treasure trove of global experiences, Sharence seeks to forge connections between individuals, binding like-minded souls and enriching their life's journey. Weโ€™re not just a social platform but a vessel for meaningful interactions, a source of reliable advice, and a portal to undiscovered adventures.

Sharence is a realm where every shared insight is not merely viewed but rewarded and celebrated, fostering a community deeply rooted in authenticity, trust, and collective intelligence, guiding every user towards a future where each digital interaction unfolds into tangible, valuable, real-world experiences.


Embracing the multifaceted demands of the current digital landscape, Sharence sets forth with clear and precise objectives to recalibrate the way we experience the online world. Navigating through the entwining pathways of social connectivity, financial transactions, and content authenticity, our goals are distinctly framed to address the critical aspects of digital interactions and community-building:

  • Fostering Genuine Connections: Establishing a platform where users can interact, share experiences, and create meaningful connections utilizing the power of Augmented Reality and genuine information sharing.

  • Promoting Authenticity: Incentivizing the dissemination and validation of authentic information, thereby fostering a trusted community where accurate data thrives.

  • Rewarding Engagements: Implementing a reward system that appreciates every piece of shared insight, verified information, and active participation in the Sharence ecosystem.

  • Enabling Secure Financial Transactions: Utilizing blockchain technology to safeguard all financial transactions, ensuring security, transparency, and trust in every exchange within the platform.

  • Empowering Businesses: Crafting a space where businesses can effectively reach and engage with their target audience, providing them with invaluable, authentic data and a direct communication channel.

  • Enhancing with AI Assistance: Incorporating AI-powered assistants to simplify navigation, facilitate personalized experiences, and ensure users find relevant and tailored information, making interaction with the platform smooth and intuitive.

  • Upholding Data Security and Privacy: Unwavering commitment to protect user data, ensuring that privacy is respected and secure channels are established for all interactions and transactions.

  • Inclusive Ecosystem: Creating an inclusive environment that accommodates both Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 users, ensuring that all can benefit from the revolutionary offerings of Sharence irrespective of their familiarity with blockchain technology.

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