Sharence Client

A New Paradigm in User Experience

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality (AR) in the Sharence Client offers users an immersive, enriched, real-world experience. By overlaying digital information onto the physical world, users can access contextually relevant information, reviews, or interactive content based on their surroundings. The integration of AR turns every real-world interaction into an opportunity for discovery. Whether it's exploring local eateries, historical landmarks, or events, users engage in a richer, more informative experience compared to traditional digital interfaces.

Decentralized Identifiers (DID)

DID provides a self-sovereign identity system. Unlike centralized identity systems where a single entity has control, DID gives users full ownership and control over their identity without relying on centralized authorities. With DID, users can be assured of privacy and control. Their identity is tamper-proof, reducing risks of identity theft. Moreover, it simplifies user authentication processes, making interactions smoother and more secure.


The embedded wallet within the Sharence Client is not just a digital storage for tokens but represents an integrated financial ecosystem. Users can earn, store, and spend tokens seamlessly. The wallet turns every user action into a potential value transaction. Whether it's earning tokens from visiting a cafe or spending them for exclusive offers, the wallet centralizes and simplifies the financial interactions of the user on the platform.

Client-Side Preference Map Storage

Storing the preference map on the client-side ensures that users' data is not held on a centralized server, giving users full control and ownership of their data. This method prioritizes user privacy. As preferences change based on interactions, the client-side storage ensures real-time data updates without compromising data security. It promotes a personalized experience since the system can tailor recommendations based on stored preferences, all while maintaining user data privacy.

Decentralized User Profiles

Decentralized user profiles, powered by DID and client-side preference map storage, are a paradigm shift from the traditional user profile systems. They provide users with an autonomous digital identity, free from central control and potential misuse. Users can interact, share, and connect with the assurance that their digital identity and preferences are secure. The decentralized nature ensures transparency, security, and trust, fostering a community where users feel empowered and protected.

In essence, the Sharence Client is more than just a mobile application—it represents the future of digital interaction. By merging the immersive capabilities of AR with the security and autonomy of DID, wallet functionalities, and decentralized data storage, it delivers an unparalleled, user-centric digital experience. Users are not just passive consumers but active participants in a decentralized, dynamic ecosystem.

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