Your questions and feedback are valuable to us. Feel free to reach out on our Telegram and Discord channels.

What is the difference between Sharence and other social networks?

Sharence is a decentralized platform that distinguishes itself from existing social networks by offering users an advanced interaction with information through an interactive map and a personalized AI assistant, enhanced by AR functionalities, all while prioritizing secure of personal user data.

Why does the Sharence need a blockchain?

Sharence utilizes blockchain technology to provide a decentralized, transparent, and secure platform, which empowers users with personal data ownership, facilitates peer-to-peer transactions through the SH token, and maintains integrity with verifiable and tamper-proof records. Sharence utilizes blockchain technology to provide a decentralized, transparent, and secure platform, which empowers users with personal data ownership, facilitates peer-to-peer transactions through the SH token, and maintains integrity with verifiable and tamper-proof records.

Why SH token does matter?

The SH token is pivotal as it anchors Sharence's decentralized reward system, incentivizing users for their contributions, validating information, and engagement with the platform. This, in turn, fosters community participation, ensuring the integrity and growth of the ecosystem. Additionally, the SH token enables access to premium features within the platform.

How is the Sharence's Personalized Marketplace different from other online marketplaces?

Sharence's marketplace is AI-driven, ensuring each user gets product or service recommendations specifically tailored to their preferences, needs, and past interactions, rather than generic listings.

What is Sharence's approach to early user engagement?

For early engagement, Sharence deploys a mix of gamified tasks, reward systems, and interactive onboarding processes to keep new users interested, informed, and invested in the platform.

Last updated